Friday, February 27, 2009

John's Wild Ride

It was fun watching Wednesday night's big epi to see the things that I had been expecting from this season. I finally got to see that Charles Widmore was supposed to be the fearless leader of the Island, but for whatever reason that Ben may have had to get him dethroned, Chuck's mysterious exit led to the rift between Linus and Chuck ...hmmm, there's a Charlie Brown theme in every show ... LOL.
Anyway, Chuck and Linus reminds me of good angel/bad angel, sitting on the shoulder of John Locke. It seems that he is tempted on both sides and has trouble seeing the right from wrong, because essentially, both sides claim to be right. Both sides have their own agenda, their own stake in the Island's future. I honestly think neither one should be on the island again. Send them off to Tunisia to pick sand fleas off each other! :)
Good ole St. John wants to safe the world and kiss the girl, but alas, his girl is apparently six feet under (think that grave is real? ... nah, me neither). There were so many religious references/Narnia references in the last couple episodes. We see the lamp post, the doubting Thomas, the Christ-like individual who is struggling with his impending death/path, and we have the Ice Queen (ha ha, Ben plays that role) and the Devil (b/c Widmore just seems evil to me) both trying to wield their agenda into poor confused Locke's little innocent mind. Sorta just makes you want to shake Locke and say "What the eff are you thinking? Just ask these fools what is really going on since YOU are going to be the one who is going to save them all!!!"
Unfortunately, we can't reach through the screen and pick on poor JL so we will all have to do our best to get by. If JL is gonna play the Savior role, his disciples (both our original Losties and whatever new plane crashed fools we see now) are going to have reconnect, which looked like there was a prelude for next week's episode.
I feel like Caesar, the newest of the new crashie's, looks very much like one of the guys that was in Iraq with Sayid. Does anybody else think that? I am determined to go back and watch the Sayid inspired epi's, do some research and get down to the truth.
For the rest of this week's show, I felt that it was just a rehashing of what we already knew. That was kind of a waste to me, since I feel that they need to spend our time more productively (like learning about the four-toed statue!!!) It's crazy to think that there are maybe 30 or less episodes before the show is completely done. I don't want to admit it or deal with it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

First blog

FIRST off I would like to say that I never have claimed to know everything about the show LOST, nor will I claim that I can remember every single aspect of each season. I do, however, love the show and am trying to find a place to blog about it without giving away any spoilers for those of my friends that may be a few days behind.
LOST has been an instrumental part of my life since the first season, but last year as I faced a horrible divorce and all it entailed, I really became engrossed in all the intricate plot lines and have been searching for answers to the islands mysteries. It has served as a form of escapism and has been so much fun to just let the island carry all the problems away for an hour each week.
I want to work on this blog often in the remaining two seasons, to share my thoughts about what is going to happen.

I hope you enjoy!