Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Artist to Watch: Bobby Long

If you've ever watched that little movie called Twilight, you might have heard a song during the scene where Edward had to bite Bella to suck the vampire venom out of her. That song was called "Let Me Sign", which was sang by Rob Pattinson, but written by one of his best friends named Bobby Long.

Long met Pattinson while both were playing the club circuit in England. Not long after that, Pattinson began his acting career, scoring a role as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and then Twilight. According to Long, Pattinson took "Let Me Sign" to the producers of Twilight and was given the opportunity to showcase Long's writing ability by singing the song for the soundtrack.

Because of that major moment in the spotlight, Long has toured the U.S. twice playing big shows in New York and Nashville and also playing the club circuit all over the states. He is currently on tour this November, and his long awaited debut album, "A Winter Tale" is set to be released February 1, 2011. I became a fan of Long's after "Let Me Sign" came out and have followed his EP releases on MySpace and iTunes. Two of my favorites is "The Bounty of Mary Jane" and "Left to Lie".

Here is a link to his site for a full list of tour dates. Also, you can sign up for a free download of "Who Have You Been Lovin'". http://www.bobbylong.info/

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