Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vampire Diaries Recap: The Sacrifice

Elena hears something in the house, and bumps into Jenna and Alaric, who are getting some ice cream after what looks to have been a pleasurable evening. Jenna is happy, and Elena is okay with the couple spending more time together. But there is someone else in the Gilbert house. It’s Luka’s dad, Jonas. He grabs a some jewelry and a picture of Elena, waits until she goes back to bed and leaves through the front door.

Stefan and Damon go to the tomb. They ask Katherine for the moonstone. She gives them an offer. She gives them the moonstone in return for letting her get out of the tomb and leaving Mystic Falls. She is bored and hungry.
Damon and Stefan go back to Elena’s house. They tell her that Slater, who is Rose’s friend, told them that there is a way can release the spell that binds the Petrova doppelganger to the moonstone. Elena doesn’t want them to do it. She is afraid that Klaus will kill them all, and she doesn’t want everyone risking their lives to save her.
Bonnie and Luka talk at school. Bonnie tells him that she is having a bad reaction to performing witchcraft, including nosebleeds. He asks her if she has ever channeled another witch to draw power from them. They use her necklace to channel their power together. They do a little hocus pocus and get a strong reaction. The wind causes leaves to blow all around them and they both look very pleased. Jeremy walks up, Luka leaves, and Bonnie acts defensive when Jeremy calls Luka weird. Bonnie answers her phone and it is Damon.
Elena goes to see Rose at the boarding house. Elena says that Rose owes them so she wants her to take her to see Slater. Rose realizes that Damon and Stefan wouldn’t approve of Elena doing this. Elena asks her if she would like to walk in the daylight, and of course Rose admits after 500 years she would.
Tyler shoots some hoops with Matt at school. Matt apologizes for picking a fight with Tyler and with what happened to Sara. Tyler accepts the apology. Caroline walks up to talk to Matt. He cuts their conversation short. Caroline goes to Tyler, and she offers to help him with his first transformation.
Bonnie tells Damon, Jeremy and Stefan about her plan to get into the tomb to get the moonstone. She asks for something that belongs to Katherine.
Elena and Rose go to see Slater, and they find him dead. They snoop through his apartment to see if they can find anything of use. They find a girl named Alice hiding.
Bonnie, Damon and Stefan take Kat’s old photo to perform a ritual to turn the metal to ash so that it will incapacitate her long enough so they can get the moonstone from her.
Meanwhile, Caroline and Tyler are traipsing through the woods on the old Lockwood property. They find an old diary that belonged to Mason. It chronicles everything that happened to him. They found an SD card in the diary.
Bonnie talks to Jeremy in the house after the ritual. She promises to him that she will be fine. He grabs some of the ashes while she is not looking.
At Slater’s apartment we find out that Alice is Slater’s girlfriend. She is a human who wants to be turned. Elena asks Alice for Slater’s computer password. She tells Alice that she will ask Rose to change her. Rose tells Elena that she is not getting her blood. Although the computer’s hard drive is wiped, there is a back up server. They find emails between Slater and Cody Weber. Elena says that she wants to get Cody the message that the doppelganger is alive and is ready to surrender. Rose says it is a suicide mission for her to sacrifice herself for her family.
Jeremy goes to see Katherine. He demands the moonstone. He uses the ash to get it. He looks for it on Katherine but it’s not there. He goes deeper into the tomb to get it but Kat wakes up and attacks Jeremy.
Rose calls Damon. Stefan and Bonnie go to the tomb. They see the moonstone and knows something is up. Jeremy apologizes for his plan.
Jonas cuts Elijah’s hand for a spell to search for Elena. As Elena looks out a window, she sees Elijah’s reflection in it. She turns around, startled when she realizes no one is there.
Bonnie still has some of the ash from Katherine’s picture, and she says that she and Stefan can still get Jeremy out of the tomb. She uses Luka’s energy to help her for the spell to allow Stefan passage.
Tyler and Caroline take the card that they found and watch the video diary of Mason to see the measures he took to save others from his transformation. Tyler is distraught by seeing Mason’s pain.
Damon goes to get Elena from Slater‘s apartment. She doesn’t want to be saved, but Damon isn’t taking no for an answer. Moment of intensity when their strong wills come to a boiling point…He tells her to never do that again.
Bonnie causes Luka extreme pain from using him for the spell. Luka tells his dad that he showed her how to channel his power, and that he was doing what he asked when he told him to get close to Bonnie. Luka and Bonnie both pass out. Bonnie wakes up and realizes she can’t do the spell. Stefan jumps in the tomb to get Jeremy out, and it causes him to be stuck in there with Katherine.
Tyler questions Caroline why she cares so much. She says she was alone during her first change into a vampire and she killed someone. She doesn’t want Tyler to be alone. The doorbell rings. It’s Matt. They are happy to see each other, but then Tyler comes to the door too, and Matt looks sad.
Cody and a couple of his guys come to get Elena. Damon tells Elena he will break her arm is she goes to them. Elijah shows up. Cody explains to him that she is the Petrova doppelganger. Elijah thanks him for being useful and kills Cody and his sidekick. He then runs out the door, and Rose takes off, too.
Elijah is back at the Martins. He tells Jonas that he had a run in with Damon. He says that Elena will be safe with Damon, and that is what he needs right now, is for her to be safe.
Jeremy and Bonnie get home. They argue about what happened. Bonnie tells Jeremy that he can’t have feelings for her. He says him almost dying is a chance he was willing to take. They almost kiss. She says she can’t and walks out the door.
Damon takes Elena home. Damon tells Elena she was incredibly stupid for trying to sacrifice herself, but Elena doesn’t really care. Jeremy tells them about Stefan. Elena goes to the tomb with Damon tagging along, and Damon won’t let her go into the tomb to be with Stefan.
“Of all the idiot plans, Stefan”, Damon says, after he once again matched wills with Elena and made her leave.
Stefan asks that Damon promise that he will protect Elena. He promises and then leaves. Katherine tells Stefan, “ that right there was the biggest mistake you’ll ever make.’
In the preview for the next episode: Stefan and Elena get steamy, and Damon has Elena all to himself.
So are you a Team Damon or Team Stefan? Do you think that Luka will ultimately help Bonnie? Will Stefan betray Elena by sleeping with Katherine? Leave your comments on the episode and what you hope happens next.
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