Monday, October 18, 2010

Winning with Down With Webster in Memphis

Me cheesing with Down With Webster rapper Cameron Hunter.
Just wanted to post my pics from the Down With Webster show from Memphis on 10/16/10. I had a blast at the show and got the opportunity to say hi to several of the guys from DWW.

Down With Webster opened for 3Oh!3 on their "Streets of Gold" tour on their stop at Minglewood Hall in Memphis. I was introduced to the music for the other opening acts The Secret Handshake and Hello Goodbye. Both those bands are very talented and are worth a listen. If you haven't heard DWW's music, check out their website and get ready to become a big fan!
A quick pic with Diggy the DJ.
I only got a small segment of "Your Man" on video but the sound is distorted and my phone was almost dead, so I will just say check out the video instead. I posted it at the bottom.

I heard several of my favorite songs like "Time To Win", "Your Man", and "Back of My Hand". They also played one of their new songs from the upcoming "Time To Win: Vol II" album, and y'all (had to use my Southern slang just for Pat) will be sooooo excited by what is to come from this Toronto based powerhouse.

Chillin' with DWW singer/guitarist Pat Gillett.
I haven't met too many celebs in my life but I can honestly say these guys have to be the nicest, most down to Earth artists out there. Hopefully everyone will be Down With Webster soon and will be as excited about their music as I am. Their energy on stage is amazing and infectious. The crowd was just as amped by DWW's music as they were during the 3Oh!3 set.

My only wish was that DWW could have played longer. I hope to one day get to go to one of their headlining shows, which are said to be epic. I really look forward to seeing their popularity continue to grow and become huge here in the U.S. And even though I don't get the station, I heard that their video for "Whoa is Me" is number 1 on the Much Music Video Countdown tonight.  With enough fan support in the States, I think it could easily be in rotation on MTV. The current surge of Canadian artists hitting it big here (Drake, Justin Bieber, etc) is proof that with enough backing, they could be big.

 Even though I have probably said thanks a hundred times, I want to thank the guys from DWW for being so nice to me and for signing my daughter's jacket (Pic left) and to Pat Gillett for saying hi to her on the phone. She talked about it for the longest when I got home :). Big thanks to Cameron Hunter, Tyler Armes, and KapOneOh for following me on Twitter. You guys WIN! :)

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